The Garage Side Parking Sensor - by STKR®

Troutman, NC, 05/03/2022 – STKR has been making the bestselling Garage Parking Sensor designed for the front of your vehicle for years. Now, based on customer feedback and needs, STKR has designed a way to also protect the side of your car as you enter and exit the garage. Introducing, the Garage Side Parking Sensor. This sensor features ultrasonic range finding technology to accurately signal a driver when the vehicle is in danger of contacting the garage door railing or wall.
The Garage Side Parking Sensor mounts easily and quickly to most garage door rails, or even to the wall in your garage. No tools required! Simply attach the supplied mount to the garage door railing. Once mounted, the user can set the exact distance they would like between the vehicle and the side of the garage. Setting the desired “Safety Zone” is as easy as positioning the car where the mirror or fender is close to hitting, and then pressing the “set” button. The sensor will now recognize this as the edge of the “Safety Zone” and offer guidance when entering or exiting the garage.
Using the STKR Garage Side Parking Sensor is as intuitive as reading a traffic light. As the driver enters or exits the garage, the Side Parking Sensor will detect the moving vehicle and illuminate a green light indicating it is safe to proceed. If the vehicle approaches the edge of the “Safety Zone”, a yellow light will illuminate. If the vehicle goes beyond the “Safety Zone”, red lights will illuminate, and the siren will blare to notify the driver to stop and readjust their approach angle. The sensor can be reset or adjusted at any time if modifications to the distance need to be made or if the vehicle changes.
Powered by 4 “AA” batteries or USB-C, the Side Parking Sensor can be used in remote locations, or connected to a constant power source at all times.
Gone are the days of miscalculating the distance between the garage door railing and the vehicles’ side view mirror, or side of the car. Combine the new STKR Side Sensor with the STKR Front Sensor for the ultimate garage set up.
The Garage Side Parking Sensor is available now. For more information, please visit STKRconcepts.com, or call STKR Concepts at 704-508-1031.
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